Starch Works by Experts
Chinese laundries first opened in the 1880s and were an integral part of New Zealand's social fabric until at least the 1950s. How did they develop in towns from Southland to the Far North before slowly disappearing after the 1940s? Who ran them and how did they fit into their communities?
Starch Work by Experts: Chinese Laundries in Aotearoa New Zealand tells the story of the laundrymen, their families and customers.
- Written by Joanna Boileau
- Published by Chinese Poll Tax Heritage Trust
Joanna Boileau's primary passion is history, in particular the history of the Chinese in Australasia with an academic background is in archaeology, anthropology and history. Joanna has developed skills in editing, journalism, and a strong media and communication professional with a PhD in History from University of New England (AU).
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